Scott started posting dyno charts on the Cadillac forum and presenting results in a different way than people were used to seeing them. Horsepower and torque were being measured on the best dynamometers available, using the industry standard SAE correction factor and proper smoothing. This made the numbers presented completely legitimate and reproducible. Air/fuel ratio and boost were also included on the charts. Most importantly, these dyno charts showed wide, flat powerbands with incredible area under the curve. People noticed, and Scott started receiving private messages and emails from other ATS-V owners asking for help. And so Tapout Tuning was created as his latest venture into the world of automotive performance.
Scott’s Passion for Fast Cars
Fast cars have been a central part of Scott’s life for as long as he can remember. When he ordered a new ATS-V at the end of last year, those who knew him assumed it wouldn’t be long until he was tuning these cars. True to his nature, he purchased HP Tuners’ ECM programming tools and software and spent countless hours on the dyno. Within weeks he was discovering previously hidden tables and limiters and working with HP Tuners to have them added to their industry standard ECM reprogramming software.
Tapout Tuning is Here
Tapout Tuning is now officially performing ATS-V custom dyno tuning in central Ohio. We also offer remote tuning by email for those of you who can’t drive here. We will have a limited number of only the highest quality products. These will be ones Scott has personally tested and is completely comfortable recommending. We are currently working with others to develop and release some fuel system solutions for the LF4 platform. Also, we recently started development of an aftermarket turbocharger kit. This will be the real key to unlocking serious power from the LF4 powerplant in the future.
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