Much like a fingerprint, no two ATS-Vs are exactly the same. While there are commonalities between them, the key is being able to fine tune each particular ATS-V so that it is performing at its absolute best.
Manny in Pennsylvania has had experience with many different tunning companies on several different platforms so he knew what to expect when it came time to tune his ATS-V. After working with us he went on to say, “Besides his wealth of knowledge on how to optimize the LF4 platform, his customer service in the tuning industry is unparalleled”. We’re always working to push this platform forward and our knowledge never stops growing.
Average is never acceptable to us and that’s why our tunes just keep getting better and better. In fact, Manny has been using his Dragy to see how well his ATS-V has been performing. He just posted an awesome 6.29 second 60 to 130 mph Dragy time and we’re stoked for him!
#TapoutTakeover #UnderPromiseOverDeliver #WontTap #BreakRecordsNotParts
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