Here at Tapout we were excited to introduce a new product this week. The manufacturer estimated power gains of seven to ten horsepower across the powerband. This product would have been affordable, easy to install and produce solid power gains. So we ordered one up, took some pictures and drafted a nice featured page for our website. Then we found a dyno tester. We spent a full eight hours on the dyno testing this product from every angle. But no matter what we did, there were no power gains to be had. In fact, we actually LOST horsepower and torque across the board.
We could have sold this product without making any performance claims at all. If we fabricated a bunch of data and used some buzzwords it would have sold very well and no one would have known better. But that’s not how we roll. We do what’s right, and what we feel is best for the community. We test our products, and are careful to provide accurate test data. So if you like the way we operate, we’d be proud to have you join the Tapout Takeover.
#TapoutTakeover #ResultsNotInsults #BreakRecordsNotParts #WontTap
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